Trust Consulting Services

4 Ways to Secure Open Areas

Open areas, whether they are parks, public squares, or outdoor event venues, are valuable communal spaces that foster community engagement and recreational activities. However, ensuring the security of these open areas is crucial to prevent potential threats and maintain a safe environment for visitors.

Take a look at the best things to do when you want to make your common spaces that much safer, remembering that you will often require professional assistance when covering such a large area.

Adequate Lighting

Proper lighting plays a vital role in deterring criminal activity and increasing overall security in open areas. In short, people feel safer with the lights in. Consider the following when lighting your space:

  • Illumination levels
  • Maintaining appropriate illumination levels throughout the area, particularly in parking lots, walkways, and secluded corners.
  • Well-lit areas reduce hiding spots
  • Motion-activated lighting saves energy and startles wrongdoers while offering a feeling of security to the public

Statistics reveal that adequate lighting can significantly impact safety. Did you know that a study conducted by the British Home Office showed that improved street lighting reduced crime by 21% and a report by the International Association of Lighting Designers suggests that proper lighting can decrease fear of crime and increase overall feelings of safety.

Install Surveillance Systems

Deploying a comprehensive camera system helps monitor open areas and deter criminal behavior. When you want to add cameras, the process looks like this:

  • Install the cameras in strategic locations
  • Make the public (and criminals) aware that the cameras are rolling
  • Don’t try to hide the lights

Studies have shown that security cameras work, even though true crime entertainment would suggest that they do not. According to a study published in the Journal of Urban Economics, the presence of security cameras reduced crime rates in public spaces by approximately 51%.

Moreover, the National Institute of Justice found that surveillance cameras are an effective tool for deterring crime and enhancing public safety. Take their word and enhance your security protocols with security cameras.

Controlled Access Points

Implementing controlled access points helps regulate the flow of visitors and prevents unauthorized entry. You’re planning to monitor:

  • Entrances and exits
  • Be quite persistent about which entrances and exits can be used

Keep security personnel at these entrances and exits throughout the day

Contact Trust Consulting Services for Help With Park and Commons Security

Remember, investing in the security of open areas not only protects visitors but also promotes a vibrant and secure community environment. Not sure where to begin when implementing security protocols? You can reach out to the TCS team at any time for assistance with your commons and parks security needs.

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